MANILA, Philippines—The Commission on Elections (Comelec) is
expecting to save millions of pesos by replacing the padlocks on ballot
boxes with serialized plastic seals and by forgoing the purchase of
thumbmarkers used in getting the thumbmarks of voters.
Comelec chairman Sixto Brillantes Jr. told reporters that they
are replacing padlocks because they are heavy and bulky and do not have
serial numbers. They can also be easily opened and closed again without
leaving any signs of tampering, he said.
“Padlocks are expensive and heavy. We decided to use small
plastics seals that have serial numbers,” Brillantes said. “If it is
tampered it cannot be replaced [and] we can check it through its serial
Padlocks with key would cost around P125 per unit while the
plastic seals cost around P30 per unit. At least 270,600 units of
padlocks are needed or 452,000 units of plastic seals.
A ballot box would require at least four padlocks or seals.
Brilantes said that the padlocks would have cost the Comelec
around P32.4 million while plastic seals, based on computations, will
cost around P14 million.
“That’s a big difference, more than 50 percent would be saved. The padlock is the most expensive,” Brillantes said.
“Under an automated system, the ballots do not require so much
protection because there are already picture images [of the ballots],”
he said.
Brillantes also said that voters will no longer have to place
their thumbmarks when they vote. They will only have to put their
“When voters have their thumbmarks taken before voting, it might smudge on the ballot,” Brillantes said.
The ballots have a tendency to be rejected by the Precint Count Optical Scan (PCOS) machines if there are stray marks on it.
“Technical examination on whether the person voted will depend on
the signature,” Brillantes said. “Anyway biometrics of voters now have
Because they no longer need thumbmarks, the Comelec will be able
to save around P12.4 million from the purchase of thumbmarkers which
cost P24 each, Brillantes said.
Friday, January 18, 2013
Comelec uses plastic seals instead of padlocks
6:44 AM